NetSuite SFTP Module: Download and Upload Files to SFTP server in SuiteScript 2.1

NetSuite SFTP Module: Download and Upload Files to SFTP server in SuiteScript 2.1

SFTP Module

In this post, we will upload a sample text file to SFTP server, then download the same file from the server and log it into execution logs.

For SFTP connection, first we need password GUID which can be created suing a suitelet form and credentials fields.

 const credField = form.addCredentialField({
                id: 'password',
                label: 'Password',
                restrictToDomains: [''], // FTP/SFTP server domain
                restrictToCurrentUser: false,
                restrictToScriptIds: 'customscript_my_script' // Script using SFTP Module

You can find the full suitelet at this link

Replace yourcompanyID with your NetSuite account ID.

restrictToDomains is the FTP or SFTP server URL.

restrictToScriptIds is the script ID of your current deployed script from where you are performing SFTP operations.

After you have Password GUID, we need to create a host key.

Use following command to generate host key on a linux server

ssh-keyscan -t rsa -p 22

After you are done with all the above steps now we can create a scheduled script to upload and download a file from SFTP server. Please note that you can use you FTP server as SFTP just change the port number to 22, but this should be supported by your server.

Full source code of the working scheduled script.

 * @NApiVersion 2.1
 * @NScriptType ScheduledScript
define(["N/sftp", "N/file"], /**
 * @param{sftp} sftp
 */ (sftp, file) => {
  const passwordGUID = "195e8110afa84b84b3d24a08e2402b4e";
  const hostKey =
  const userName = "contezsg";
  const port = 22;
  const sftpURL = "";

  const netsuiteUploadFolderId = 296; // Upload files from this folder to SFTP Server
  const netSuiteDownloadFolderId = 297; // Download files from SFTP server to this folder
  const SFTPDirectory = "netsuite";
  const SFTPUploaddirectory = "upload";

   * Defines the Scheduled script trigger point.
   * @param {Object} scriptContext
   * @param {string} scriptContext.type - Script execution context. Use values from the scriptContext.InvocationType enum.
   * @since 2015.2
  const upload = (connection, fileId, SFTPUploaddirectory) => {
    try {
        directory: SFTPUploaddirectory,
        file: file.load({ id: fileId }),
        replaceExisting: true,
    } catch (e) {
      if ( === "FTP_NO_SUCH_FILE_OR_DIRECTORY") {
          path: "upload", // netsuite/upload
          directory: SFTPUploaddirectory,
          file: file.load({ id: fileId }),
          replaceExisting: true,

   * Defines the Scheduled script trigger point.
   * @param {Object} scriptContext
   * @param {string} scriptContext.type - Script execution context. Use values from the scriptContext.InvocationType enum.
   * @since 2015.2
  const download = (connection, fileId, SFTPDownloadDirectory) => {
    let filelist = connection.list({
      path: SFTPDownloadDirectory,

    for (let i = 0; i < filelist.length; i++) {
      let fileName = filelist[i].name;
      if (fileName != "." && fileName != "..") {
        log.debug("file name to download", fileName);
        let downloadedFile = connection
            filename: SFTPDownloadDirectory + "/" + fileName,

        log.debug("file contents", downloadedFile);

  const createTestFile = () => {
    var fileObj = file.create({
      name: "test.txt",
      fileType: file.Type.PLAINTEXT,
      contents: "Hello World\nHello World, This is a test file",

    fileObj.folder = netsuiteUploadFolderId;
    var fileId =;

    return fileId;

  const createSFTPconnection = () => {
    const connectionObj = sftp.createConnection({
      // establish connection to the FTP server
      username: userName,
      passwordGuid: passwordGUID,
      url: sftpURL,
      directory: SFTPDirectory,
      hostKey: hostKey,

    return connectionObj;

   * Defines the Scheduled script trigger point.
   * @param {Object} scriptContext
   * @param {string} scriptContext.type - Script execution context. Use values from the scriptContext.InvocationType enum.
   * @since 2015.2
  const execute = (scriptContext) => {
    let connectionObj = createSFTPconnection(); // create connection to SFTP server
    let fileId = createTestFile(); // create a test file
    upload(connectionObj, fileId, SFTPUploaddirectory);
    download(connectionObj, fileId, SFTPUploaddirectory);

  return { execute };

Execute is the main function, where we are calling upload and download functions.

Here is the script log

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