You can write the If else statement this way: .locale is used for the translation to different local languages based on user localization preferences.
<#if .locale =='zn'>
font-family: sans-serif;
<#elseif .locale =="ko">
font-family: sans-serif;
BFO functionality can be used to create macros that repeat HTML code on each page. Each macro is defined in the head part of the template inside the <macrolist>
How to Fetch Field Details:
Field: ${record.otherrefnum}
Label: ${expense.customer@label}
Divide two labels: ${record.reimbursable/}
Greater than symbol (gt)
<#if total gt 300>
<div> ${total}</td>
gt → greater than
lt → less than
gte → greater than or equal to
lte → less than or equal to
Update a string value
${record.memo?string(“Test“, “Rest“)} // Replace Test with Rest
Assign a variable
<#assign total =10>
Return the current date ${.now}
Return the current date in milliseconds #{.now?long}
Upper Case
Lower Case
String length
<#if record.entity.test?length ==10>
Loop line item using list
<#list record.item as itemLine>
Check if name contains
<#if item.item?contains(“Red“)>